You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
At the moment there is +18 recipes in the bank, but just imagine having well balanced and tested
recipes coming to you each and every month.
Creating recipes is one of the hardest parts in making chocolates and here you will get my newest and most
relevant recipes that we are using in our production.
You will get a new recipe uploaded to your account every month at minimum.
It can be everything from ganaches, bars, PDF fruits, marshmallows or anything we produce in our kitchen.
Anything that is relevant for a professional chocolate kitchen or for you as a serious hobby maker to discover.
You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
This subscription will let you be inspired when Chef Jungstedt takes on your question in his kitchen
- ask what ever you see is relevant to the chocolate world and you will get an answer.
The month after you will meet inspiring chocolate people like Kate Weiser or Jack Ralph having conversations
with Chef Jungstedt regarding how to build their business and or tips and tricks in the chocolate kitchen.
Or a month when you will listen to topics that is relevant for your growth, business building and Chef´s keys to success.
This sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Teams and if you miss the live version,
no worries - they are recorded and you are going to be able to watch it when ever you want.
You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
Sometimes Chef Jungstedt strike a good deal with any of his distributors and/or
machine delivery company and then you will know about it.
As a start, you as a subscriber will always have nice price on
Chef Jungstedt Signature Mould Nr:1 -
find the deal inside the subscription.
You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
Exclusive Chocolate Recipes:
Gain access to a bank of well balanced
"right in to production" recipes made by Chef Jungstedt.
New recipes:
There is new - well balanced and long life - recipe presented EVERY month -
to top up the recipe bank
Chocolate Bonbons Tips & Tricks:
Learn expert techniques for crafting perfect chocolate bonbons.
Professional Insights every month:
Benefit from advice and innovative methods from professionals that is
tailored for both beginners and experienced chocolate makers.
Elevate Your Skills:
Enhance your chocolate creation skills with regular updates
and creative culinary inspiration.
Strike that deal!
Take advantage of Chef Jungstedts connections and get deals once in awhile.
You can opt-out when ever you want
Only $4 Monthly for Premium Members
All recipes are based on Felchlin couvertures. If the exact couverture is needed but you can't get hold of Felchlin chocolates.
You will have a chocolate composition sheet of the couverture I'm using in that recipe, so you can find another
chocolate from the brand you are using that is similar in composition and use that.
2023 Chef Jungstedt Chocolate School
Chef Jungstedt AB, Sicklastråket 13, 131 54 Nacka, Sweden 🇸🇪