We are a small company, before you send a question to us, please

see if you can find your answer in the FAQ below.

When purchasing or before purchasing products

How long do I have access to the courses?
You always have a life time access to all our online courses! You can watch them over and over again 365 days a year around the clock.
I did not get my login details after purchase!
Please have a look in your spam filter in your mail. Your welcome mail and credentials might have ended up in there.

Maybe a silly comment, but sometime the auto system set another email, right before you are clicking NEXT - have you looked into that email box as well :)

... and the last one, did you maybe misspelled the email?

If you still cant find it - just push the black button in the end of this page and we will assist you.
It says my phone number is incorrect? What do to?
When you purchase a item in our shop you need to add your phone number and you need to add it correct.

The right way to enter you number is with your country code included like this: ex +46739332666

What is my country code? Click here and you will have access to the list of codes
How do I access my course/product after purchase?
If you purchased a course or recipe, please go to the login page and type in your login details email and password that you should have received in your welcome mail. 

Go to "My courses" You should see all of your purchased courses in this section. 

If you do not see your course here, please read the section "I can not access the courses and/or recipes" further down on this page.

You will find the log in page here ->
What currency is $ standing for?
Chef Jungstedt is selling the courses in USD - American Dollar
How much do a item cost in my currency?
The easiest way to find out how much an item from Chef Jungstedt will cost you, in your own currency - is to use Google for help -> click here and adjust to your currency.

Just to remind you that your bank is the one that is setting the rate of your currency when you buy items from Chef Jungstedt.
Will I get access to the new platform if I bought courses before?
If you have bought courses before you will be migrated in to the new platform with access to the same courses you had before. You who have bought courses before will be slowly migrated in to the new platform the coming months.
Your login will still work on the old platform until you are migrated in to the new one!

You will receive info on how to migrate and login to the new platform eventually.


iDeal and Paypal in the Netherlands?
We have noticed that our members that have payed with iDeal through Paypal sometime do not work. Paypal tells you the transaction goes through BUT after a couple of hours/days Paypal refund the money to you, with out any explanation.

Do to that, our systems do not get any notification about a transaction and therefore you will not get access to your courses and/or recipes.

Solution? Pay with Credit Card or PayPal direct
I need an invoice for my company

Please push the "I need more assistance" in the bottom of this page.

Do add all the info (company name, adress, VAT-number etc.) in the form.

Tell us what products you need to have an invoice for and we will send you a PDF in return.

After I have purchased a product

I can not log in
Sometime the technical part can play you jokes, especially when it did work yesterday :)

Therefore we would like to give you some tips and trix how to handle this situation by your self:

I can not get logged in:
1. Are you 100% sure you are using the right email adress and/or password?
Sometime the systems automatically save your info and it gets wrong.
Please typ, not copy paste, the email and the password in and try again.
2. Sometimes Google Chrome work in mysterious ways, so either you clean your cache (browser history) and or change browser to see if it works better.
3. If it still dosen't work, push the big button below and we will assist you.
I can not access the courses and/or recipes
Sometime the technical part can play you jokes, especially when it did work yesterday :)

Therefore we would like to give you some tips and trix how to handle this situation by your self:

My courses and/or recipes do not show:
1. We know the question is silly - but are you logged in with the email that you actually bought the products with?
2. Yes, it is the right email - log out and log in again.
3. Yes, it is the right email - please refresh your cache (browser history) - log out and log in again.
4. Still do not work?
Sorry for this - just push the button below and we will assist you to get it right.
The videos is lagging or and/or not showing
Sometimes the videos or courses get stuck - sorry to say - that´s the modern life.

But how do we get around and fix this is the best way?

1. Refresh the page
2. Log out and log in on the platform
3. Clean your browsers cache (history) and log in to the platform again.
4. If you still cant get it working, please switch browser and/or device - just to see if its the platform or browser/device issue.
5. If all of the above do not work - click the contact button below and we will have a look at it as soon as possible.
I have questions regarding the course content
If you have questions regarding the courses content, please use the Facebook groups as much as possible - most likely we have already written about it there and/or we can answer the questions, so all the other students can get the same info. Thank you.
Where is the PDF:s that Chef is talking about?
Some of the courses that you see on this platform was made for another platform. During the move we did put all the information in the course text or in the combines cheat PDF.
How to I cancel my subscription?
Some times you need to make a rough decision and you are able to cancel your subscription when ever you want.

If you want to cancel your Chef Jungstedt Subscription - do reach out to us on the button below and we will see to that you get what you want - but please explain why, so we can get better and make products that are better for you.

Thank you.

If you still have not found an answer to your questions or need further assistance.

Tap the button below and fill in our support form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

2023 Chef Jungstedt Chocolate School

Chef Jungstedt AB, Sicklastråket 13, 131 54 Nacka, Sweden 🇸🇪